The Lost Poem of Emily Dickinson

At the Outranspo meeting of January 18th, 2015, Chris Clarke showed us a video he found on the internet of a Lord of the Rings fanatic, FrenchieLegolas22, critiquing a fanfiction poem purported to be a retrotranslation of a poem by Emily Dickinson, by another user,...


Cette cybertraduction (une traduction réalisée à l’aide d’une machine) a été programmée par Jonathan Baillehache sur la base des traductions proposées par les Outranspiens sur ce texte de Michaux lors de la résidence d’été à Combrée en juillet 2015....

Waves (A form)

[NB: This text was first published by Drunken Boat #24, April 2017, in its Outranspo folio] I would like to present a literary form which mixes poetry and translation, and as such, encompasses both creative and translation fields. This form, while being based on a...